How to avoid job scams
Genuine communication related to recruitment by Glencore will never require the job seeker to make payments at any point in the recruitment process.
We have become aware of a number of job scams in which fraudsters try to extract personal information and money from people looking for jobs with Glencore and our related companies. We’ve put together this five-step guide to help you identify fake job postings and correspondence and help us all to beat these recruitment frauds.
How to spot a fraudulent job posting, email or other recruitment-related communication:
Someone asks for money.
At Glencore we will never ask for money from you – in any circumstances. If someone is asking you to send them money, it’s definitely fraud.
You receive an email from a non-Glencore address.
We always use official Glencore email addresses, such as, or
The job application is on a non-Glencore website.
All of our official job postings are hosted on
Although our jobs may be advertised on third-party sites such as LinkedIn, the application itself is always on the site above.
Someone asks for bank details before we’ve made an official job offer.
We never ask for your bank details until we’ve made an official offer, and we will always ask for your details using an official email address or other official communication channel.
You receive a job offer for a role you’ve not applied for.
Before you can receive a job offer, you will always have applied for the job first, and will have been through our selection process, including a face-to-face interview.
If this hasn’t yet happened, then it’s not an official job and you should not take it any further.