Distribution information

Glencore’s current base cash distribution policy comprises two components: (1) a fixed $1 billion component and (2) a variable element representing 25% of free cash flow generated by Glencore’s industrial assets during the preceding year. Distributions are expected to be formally declared by the Board annually (with the preliminary full-year results). Distributions, when declared, will be settled equally in May/June and September of the year they are declared in. The distribution is subject to shareholders’ approval at Glencore’s AGM.

The distribution is ordinarily paid in US dollars. Shareholders on the Jersey register may elect to receive the distribution in sterling, euros or Swiss francs, the exchange rates of which will be determined by reference to the rates applicable to the US dollar at the time. Shareholders on the Johannesburg register will receive their distribution in South African rand. Shareholders who formerly held shares through the Computershare Hong Kong nominee will receive distribution payments in US dollars unless they make an election to receive payments in Swiss francs, sterling or euros, or subscribe to the global payment service to elect to receive payments in the currency of their choosing (including Hong Kong Dollars), by the prescribed date. Elections will remain in place until revoked by the shareholder. 

Shareholders should contact their tax advisor for advice on the tax treatment for any distributions.

Information on distributions paid in the present year and in previous years can be found in the Distribution Press Releases tab above. 

Distribution enquiries

For all distribution payment queries please contact the Company's registrar at:

Computershare Investor Services (Jersey) Ltd
13 Castle Street
St. Helier
Channel Islands JE1 1ES

Shareholder helpline: +44 (0) 370 707 4040
Shareholder fax number: +44 (0) 370 873 5851
Shareholder contact form:

JSE shareholders

Computershare Investor Services Limited
70 Marshall Street
South Africa
Tel: +27 861 100 933

Date Title
06/09/2024 2024 H2 Distribution
10/05/2024 2024 H1 Distribution
21/02/2024 2024 Distribution timetable


In December 2016, we announced the reinstatement of shareholder distributions, following a one-year suspension period.

Date Title
05/06/2013 2012 Final Dividend


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