2022 Human Rights Day

Antapaccay's "Working together to respect human rights" programme receives Sustainable Development Award 2022

posted: 12/12/2022

This year’s International Human Rights Day on 10 December marked the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In the spirit of this year’s theme of Dignity, Freedom and Justice for All, we celebrate Antapaccay Copper Mine in Peru whose human rights programme recently received local recognition. The programme has three of our Values at its core; responsibility, integrity and openness. 

Antapaccay’s programme "Working together to respect human rights" is one of 13 winners of the Sustainable Development Awards 2022, awarded by the National Society of Mining, Petroleum and Energy. The programme also placed first in the Due Diligence category of the competition.

We’re delighted to receive this recognition of Antapaccay’s efforts and, generally, all mining companies in the country that seek to strengthen their social and environmental programmes to contribute to sustainable development. Responsible business undoubtedly has a direct impact on the country's development.

Carlos Cotera - Antapaccay's general manager

This programme has enabled Antapaccay to implement a due diligence process with a solid focus on human rights in the risk assessments of the company's entire processes and an evaluation on their value chain including their contractors in the implementation of a human rights action plan. Its main actions include internal and external training to share the company's human rights policy, implementing a complaints and grievances mechanism reaching all stakeholders, embedding the Voluntary Principles, and developing a communication plan on human rights and a strategy to promote diversity, equity and inclusion.

This award reaffirms our commitment to always respect the human rights of everyone in our work, while also contributing to reducing existing gender gaps in the area. Our programme responds in an efficient and timely manner and includes engagement with communities, the company's workers and contractors.

Paola Vera - Antapaccay's Superintendent of Human Rights and Voluntary Principles

Thanks to these efforts, the number of female applicants from communities neighbouring the mine has improved, increasing local women's participation at the mine. Further, 70% of employees in the company's mining area comes from neighbouring communities. Forty-six contractors have implemented human rights programmes at their own companies that align with Antapaccay’s policies. Lastly, 500 community members and 450 urban and rural school students have been trained in the prevention of gender-based violence, among other achievements.

Inauguration of the program for women from communities to obtain driver's licenses so they can later apply to become mining truck operators

Antapaccay has successfully placed human rights at the core its integrated Health, Safety, Environment, Communities and Human Rights (HSEC&HR) management system and will continue to contribute towards closing the existing gaps in its area of influence. 

For more information about human rights at Glencore, see here

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